My Qualifications

Level 5 Diploma in Personal Performance coaching certified by SFEDI awards
Diploma from The Coaching Acdemy awarded with Distinction
CPD Accredited Confidence Coaching - The Coaching Academy
Diploma from The Centre of Excellence in Anger Management for Practioners - awarded with Distinction
Diploma from The Centre of Excellence- NLP Practioner Course - awarded with Distinction.
Diploma from The Centre of Excellence - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Course awarded with Distinction.
Diploma from The Centre of Excellence- Mindfulness Course - awarded with Distinction
Certificate - Mental Health First Aider - from MHFA England
Certificate in Science, Practice and Art of Nature Connection for Wellbeing and Resilience from The Natural Academy
CPD How to ride the WAVES model from Association for Coaching
CPD Coaching the CNBC (childless not by choice)