I am here to help you make progress with your DEVELOPMENT
I Am Determined – extremely focussed and driven to helping you achieve your personal and business goals and make your coaching count.
I am Encouraging – I will be your, or your business's own personal cheerleader throughout this process! I will continually be waving your flag and reminding you of your successes and ability to grow!
I am Vivacious – I love life, I love to make the most of it and I am extremely passionate about helping you create the life you want to live too!
I am Engaging – I want to connect with you, I want to excite you about your path. I want to make your journey the best it can be and I believe the best way to do that is to create a great working relationship.
I am a great Listener – I want to get to the heart of what is concerning you and the changes you want to make and I want you to know I am always listening to you – there is no personal agenda for me – just you! Coaching is all about you, and I know how important listening is to making you feel valued and understood as a client and a business. After all, understanding where you are and where you want to go is what this process is all about!!
I am Optimistic! The glass is half full, and even if it is empty that is the perfect place to fill it up from. I will keep your spirits up and I will always ensure you can see the options you have available to you to keep you and your businesses creative and thriving!
I am Patient. I will keep positive and make sure you stay focussed; even when you are wondering where you are on this journey and doubting your path. I know at times the road can seem long and winding, but I will remind you of your progress and keep you persevering! Rome wasn’t built in a day – but actually half the achievement of the goal is celebrated on the road to getting there!
I am Motivated. I will ensure your journey keeps its momentum even when it can be frustrating and I will make sure you realise your passions and goals to reach your destination!
I am Experienced. I have extensive experience in coaching and training; working with individuals and leading workshops for groups. I have helped businesses expand their client base and increase their sales skills and I have encouraged individuals to grow and believe in themselves!! One client even got the job she wanted but had previously believed was impossible after our consultation! I also have my own self development and business journey to help relate to yours, I know what it is like, I have been there, done it and got the T-shirt myself and know I am excited to share this knowledge with you!
I am No-Nonsense. Basically I act as a firm, fair and understanding mirror back to you, if there is something you say you will do, and don’t, I will ask you why. I am here for accountability to challenge you, to help you and your businesses grow and I want your journey to gain energy and drive.
I am There for you. I will be your coach from the moment we embark on this process to the moment you realise your ambitions and are ready to take over on your own. I will help you create the plan you need for your business to ensure your employees grow and maximise their potential and therefore your business output too! This means that I am there for you between sessions, and truly care about your development and well-being!