Your personal cheerleader/ life-belt to the future
Hello, I’m Anna, I believe in the power of positivity, how positive thought and action can help us to live the lives we dream of and can enable us to find, see and create beauty in this ever-changing world!
I am originally from Dorset; now living in London as a coach, presenter, trainer and musical theatre actress. I love the outdoors, and find tranquillity and calm in nature and meditation. I love to cycle, practise yoga and try to keep a healthy mind and healthy body. The thing I love about Yoga practice, is it reminds me that life is an ongoing practice, trial and error – it reminds me not to make judgements, simply to feel what is “right” or wrong for me. In all aspects of life we go out, make mistakes and learn from them, no one is designed to be perfect, but we can create positive lives if we so choose. I am also very aware of the impact we have on the world we live in and as a Veggie try to be as ethical in living as possible. After all we are merely the caretakers of this planet whilst we are here. When I am not working I can be found walking on a beach, painting with acrylics and nestling in to a good book!
I found my inspiration to become a coach through my passion for helping friends and colleagues, and realising how people can be held back by their own inner demons or fears. This can be rife throughout the sectors, but, from my experience then, it seemed particularly acute in the acting and presenting world and it made me wonder if there was anything to be done about it. This initially set me on my own path of self-realisation and discovery. As an advocate for self-enlightenment books, I have read everything from “The Secret”, “How to win friends and influence people” and “the Artists way”, to “The happiness project” and felt that they all allude back to the same idea – our own happiness comes entirely from within.
This choice to live a constantly evolving life is exciting, demanding, but wholly fulfilling. Within my own life- it has enabled me to do things I never before would have believed possible, and challenged my beliefs for the better.
But then I came to the question, how can someone facilitate that change when they are stuck in a rut and cannot see the way out? It was then that I came across Life coaching, or Personal Performance coaching and I realised that this was the enabler to start someone a bit trapped to begin this journey, with a helpful cheerleader on hand for encouragement. It was a eureka moment! I started as a personal performance coach and then developed across to run team building workshops for the business sector, which has since branched in to business development coaching.
The during the pandemic I branched out again and after creating "Coping in the crisis" coaching videos began to work for the NHS and charities to deliver zoom emotion management workshops "Anger the forgotten emotion". Also I have created workshops to help children and teens negotiate the pandemic, including learning through play and games to educate on mindfulness and other useful tools but in an accessible way. Noticing how the last year has impacted on so many, not only emotionally, but financially and stability-wise, I have found my strength as a coach has been my ability to support those from all backgrounds and ages accept their situation and flourish within it.
Whilst my journey is constantly evolving and there is no “end”, I am at a point where I am excited to share my discoveries with others. There is something so completely inspiring about watching people take the reins of their lives and businesses and feel the positive impact, and this is what I want to facilitate in others with my coaching.
For me coaching is about giving you back the power to exact the future you desire, whether that be personally or in the business sector; reminding you of the skills you had forgotten; or sometimes enlightening you of skills you never knew you had. I will be there every step of your journey to help you through, but ultimately it will be a path of self-empowerment and development.
Welcome to your own journey!